Friday, July 31, 2020

Dear Church Family,

I hope to make Friday’s devotion a little lighter than the other four each week. If you remembers ‘The Birds’ from the 60’s, they became famous for their song “Turn, Turn, Turn” based on Ecclesiastes 3. Yes, a folk ballad using the God-inspired words of the Bible topped the Billboard charts in December 1965!

As the Teacher inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven.” This reminds us the Sovereign God remains in control of all things and will accomplish His glory according to His perfect time table. The Teacher (the human author) uses a series of 14 contrasts to make this point.

Peter Seeger, who got a boatload of money for putting the words in a different order, added to the last phrase of “a time for war and a time for peace” just six words. They are “I swear it’s not too late.” This was written as a war raged in Vietnam. He did not see or acknowledge God’s hand in the affairs of the world. He hoped for “an ideal state of happiness, freedom and peace within and among all people and nations on Planet Earth.”

With the Vietnam conflict in the rear window of history, I hope we will focus on the great truths of the Biblical text. Those of you who garden know there is “a time to plant, and a time to uproot.” During the pandemic some of you may have taken to declutter as the phrase “a time to keep and a time to throw away” observes. Sadly we have needed to social distance as “a time to embrace and a time to refrain” instructs.

There are many duties that face no time restrictions. We can always love. We can always “trust in the Lord with all our hearts.” We can always delight ourselves in the Lord. We can be thankful always and pray without ceasing. All of our lives – all the time – can glorify our God.

Living by grace to His glory,
Pastor Gillikin